
4/18 welcome party

Welcome Party       presented by Keio International Center, KOSMIC

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The Welcome Party is scheduled on April 18 (Friday).
Come and join us for an event with Japanese students and Keio University alumni.
A light buffet and beverage will be served.

Date:April 18 (Fri.)
Time:6:15 pm.-7:30 pm. (Open 5:45 pm.)
Place:Mita Campus, CO-OP Cafeteria (West Building,B1)

You don't need to apply in advance so feel free to stop by.
Participants will be asked, however, to write down their names at the entrance.

※KOSMIC is planning to hold an after party (fee:3,000 yen).
If you wish to go, tell the staff at the entrance of the Welcome Party.

We hope to see all of you at the Welcome Party!!

3/29 Bazaar (Present..4/26 KOSMIC Asakusa .. ブログトップ
